Leaving dry land: Water, heritage and imaginary agency

Five months have passed since successfully defending my PhD dissertation titled “Leaving Dry Land: Water, Heritage and Imaginary Agency” at the University of Gothenburg’s Centre for Critical Heritage Studies. When I embarked on my PhD journey, I did not realise … read more

Designing for Interdependence. A Poetics of Relating

Challenging the dominant design paradigm that centers humanity in its practice, Designing for Interdependence puts forward an ecocentric mode of designing that privileges a harmonious relationship between all life forms that share our planet. This book is about the practice of designing … read more

Towards a Posthuman Practice for Architecture and Urbanism?

As a humanist tradition, architecture, with all its associated professions and discourses, has developed within an anthropocentric (human-centred) thought-space. In these disciplines, ontological questions (questions about things in the world) have primarily centred around architectural objects and their human inhabitants. … read more