I.N.S.E.C.T. Summercamp

In August  2022, researchers in the fields of design, art, engineering and anthropology got together for three weeks to focus their full attention on their little animal companions, insects.  An INterSpecies Exploration by biodigital Craft and manufacturing Technologies I.N.S.E.C.T. Summer Camp … read more

Designing for Multispecies Commons: Ecologies and Collaborations in Participatory Design

Participatory design has traditionally foregrounded humans as agents and stakeholders in design processes. While the notion of ‘design ecologies’ have gained prominence as an understanding of the particular entanglements, processes of design are part of, the role of nature and … read more

Designing for Interdependence. A Poetics of Relating

Challenging the dominant design paradigm that centers humanity in its practice, Designing for Interdependence puts forward an ecocentric mode of designing that privileges a harmonious relationship between all life forms that share our planet. This book is about the practice of designing … read more

Towards a Posthuman Practice for Architecture and Urbanism?

As a humanist tradition, architecture, with all its associated professions and discourses, has developed within an anthropocentric (human-centred) thought-space. In these disciplines, ontological questions (questions about things in the world) have primarily centred around architectural objects and their human inhabitants. … read more


Biomenstrual is a collection of biomaterial experiments, rituals, and spells for imagining, designing and practicing menstrual care beyond the human body. The project explores designing for non-anthropocentric, ecofeminist practices of human menstrual care. We focus on how menstrual products are … read more

MICRO INTERVIEW No.8 – Thomas Laurien meets Svenja Keune

Thomas Laurien: Hej Svenja! What are you up to these days? I know that you quite recently moved your multispecies entourage from one site to another. Could you tell us a bit about that transition, and how you have settled … read more