Panel: More-than-(Just)-Human Politics of Relating | 10th STS Italia Conference

11-13 June 2025 | 10th STS Italia Conference
Technoscience for Good: Designing, Caring and Reconfiguring

Abstract deadline February 3rd 2025
DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS for Panel: More-than-(Just)-Human Politics of Relating

Each author can submit only one abstract as a corresponding author, while multiple abstract submissions as co-authors are allowed. The procedure is straightforward and consists of the following steps: 

  1. Register as a user: Complete the form by filling in your affiliation, position, and preferred contact details.  
  2. Activate your user account: Once your account is activated, you will be able to submit an abstract.   
  3. Complete the form: You will need to provide a title, an abstract of up to 500 words, and 3-5 keywords.   
  4. Author information: You are required to list all authors involved in the proposal, yourself included. Please note that co-authors attending the conference need to activate their accounts for conference registration. The corresponding author will be responsible for communicating with the other co-authors.
  5. Terms and conditions: Please read the terms and conditions carefully before submitting your proposal.  
  6. Submit your proposal: Please click on the “Submit” button and that’s it!

We are interested in papers that:

  • challenge anthropocentric power structures by incorporating nonhuman perspectives, redefining politics within multispecies frameworks, and exploring the implications of cohabitation and interdependence;
  • propose decolonial, pluriversal, and inclusive governance and decision-making approaches that accommodate multispecies configurations;
  • investigate care, resistance, and subversion within more-than-human politics, particularly in addressing social and ecological injustices;
  • examine the influence of artificial intelligence on more-than-human relationships and political landscapes;
  • highlight design-driven methods and investigations as political acts capable of regulating and fostering interdependent co-living, shaping materialities, and engaging with diverse epistemologies, ontologies, cosmologies, and relational practices.

We encourage submissions across design, HCI, philosophy, and STS, aiming to cultivate a transdisciplinary dialogue.

Conference and panels: 

First deadline: February 3rd, 2025

Important: There will not be a follow-up Call for Papers after this stage.

Further dissemination: While no formal paper submissions will follow, alternative opportunities for sharing and publishing might be explored.

Elisa Giaccardi, 
Valentina Rognoli, Emma Sicher, Francesco Nappo, Francesco Vergani, Laura Forlano, Martín Tironi (contact: