11-13 June 2025 | 10th STS Italia Conference
Technoscience for Good: Designing, Caring and Reconfiguring
Abstract deadline February 3rd 2025
DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS for Panel: More-than-(Just)-Human Politics of Relating
Each author can submit only one abstract as a corresponding author, while multiple abstract submissions as co-authors are allowed. The procedure is straightforward and consists of the following steps:
- Register as a user: Complete the form by filling in your affiliation, position, and preferred contact details.
- Activate your user account: Once your account is activated, you will be able to submit an abstract.
- Complete the form: You will need to provide a title, an abstract of up to 500 words, and 3-5 keywords.
- Author information: You are required to list all authors involved in the proposal, yourself included. Please note that co-authors attending the conference need to activate their accounts for conference registration. The corresponding author will be responsible for communicating with the other co-authors.
- Terms and conditions: Please read the terms and conditions carefully before submitting your proposal.
- Submit your proposal: Please click on the “Submit” button and that’s it!
We are interested in papers that:
- challenge anthropocentric power structures by incorporating nonhuman perspectives, redefining politics within multispecies frameworks, and exploring the implications of cohabitation and interdependence;
- propose decolonial, pluriversal, and inclusive governance and decision-making approaches that accommodate multispecies configurations;
- investigate care, resistance, and subversion within more-than-human politics, particularly in addressing social and ecological injustices;
- examine the influence of artificial intelligence on more-than-human relationships and political landscapes;
- highlight design-driven methods and investigations as political acts capable of regulating and fostering interdependent co-living, shaping materialities, and engaging with diverse epistemologies, ontologies, cosmologies, and relational practices.
We encourage submissions across design, HCI, philosophy, and STS, aiming to cultivate a transdisciplinary dialogue.