Confluence of European Water Bodies

The Confluence of European Water Bodies is coming together this October at Ocean Space in Venice, bringing together more than 25 grassroots communities of artists, activists, lawyers and ecologists, representing seas, lakes, rivers, lagoons and glaciers from all over Europe. 

From October 3 to 6, 2024, Ocean Space will host panel discussions, meetings with local activists, performances, screenings, and more, dedicated to a collective pursuit of a deeper understanding of the ‘Rights of Nature’ in Europe from a cultural perspective. 

Make sure not to miss the public program at Ocean Space:
Thursday, October 3, 2024, 19.30 pm: Screening of I Am the River, the River is Me

Sunday, October 6, 2024, 10 am: Can the Piave Still Murmur? Assembly for the Grave di Ciano

The Confluence of European Water Bodies is founded by the Embassy of the North Sea, ILP Mar Menor and TBA21–Academy and supported by the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: NICHE (THE NEW INSTITUTE Center for Environmental Humanities), GARN (Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature), the Italian Buddhist Union, Creative Industries Fund NL, and 

Venice Climate Change Pavilion.

#confluenceofeuropeanwaterbodies #rightsofnature #waterbodies

See more about the project at
If you are interested in the Confluence of European Water Bodies, reach out to network members Thomas Laurien or Christoph Matt who will represent waterbodies at the confluence in Venice.

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