Festen opens the doors to the newly started artistic activity on Åsen, Orust, where we explore local and planetary coexistence and what new stories the posthumanist perspective carries. Step into the practice, studio and workshop, take part in activities, try a workshop, go for a sensory walk in the island landscape or have a coffee and browse a recent publication. Welcome to the party!
When: 16 September at 14-18
Where: AiC Orust, Sweden
14.30 Opening
14.45 Giga Tsikarishvili: Conversation with artist in residens
15.30 Fika
16.15 Sensory walk
17.00 Linda Holmer: Performance drawing, draw the sounds of the forest.
The programme is part of GIBCA Extended (Gothenburg International Biennal Contemporary Art). Read more about GIBCA Extended here.